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The Superior Taste AWARD - iTQi 2011

The Superior Taste AWARD - iTQi 2011

The International Taste & Quality Institute (iTQi) in Brussels is the leading independent  Chefs and Sommeliers based organisation dedicated to testing, awarding and promoting superior tasting consumer food and drink.

The Juries are selected from 12 the most prestigious culinary  and sommeliers organizations such as: Maîtres Cuisiniers de France, Maîtres Cuisiners de Belgique, Academy of Culinary Arts, Hellenic Chefs Association, Académie Culinaire of France, Verband der Köche Deutschlands, Jeunes Restaurateurs dEurope, Federación de Asociaciones de Cocineros of Spain, Federerazione dei Cuochi Italiana, Portuguese Chefs Association, Årets Kock of Sweden, Euro-Toques and Association de la Sommellerie Internationale (ASI).

The Superior Taste Award  is a unique internationally acknowledged credential , based on the  blind  judgment of Chefs and Sommeliers,  certified as authorities and opinion leaders in taste.
